Monday, March 22, 2010

From the Mouths of Babes

Alan seems to always have a lot to say and it is usually very entertaining. So I thought I would share two recent anecdotes.

Sunday night at dinner I was asking what everyone learned about in church. When I asked Alan he told us they talked about animals and everyone had to think an animal. Then he informed us "when it was my turn I thought of BattleCat (from Heman) and my boy teacher thought it was cool."
All I could say was "I am sure he did."

Then the other day I was feeding Bryce in the family room and the kids were playing in the front room when a very excited Alan came in and said, "We are killing a spider. So when is it going to be resurrected because it's gonna die."
I just said "when Jesus comes again"
I guess that was enough for him because he ran off to help Emma.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Alan's Batman Birthday

This year I decided to let Alan have his first friend birthday party. After months of trying to decide what kind of birthday party he wanted he finally picked to have a Batman themed party.

I knew I wanted to keep it kinda small so we limited our guest list to close neighbors who are 4 and will also on Alan's T-ball team leaving us with 6 boys to invite. I love who his invites turned out.

We started off with pass the present. All the presents had 4 or 5 layers and everyone got a Batman cape. Once all the little Batmans were ready we went down into the Batcave.

I decorated the basement with black streamers, a picture of Batman, and about 80 balloons including 12 punch balloons. After running wild with balloons for a while the boys colored treat bags and attached the pinata.
Then it was present time. Alan made out like a bandit but was nice enough to let everyone play with his new toys. This is Alan with his BFF Cade.We ended the party with a little cake and ice cream. Although you can tell I made a two-face cake, chocolate on one side and fun fetti on the other.
That night Scott brought home a little McDonald's for dinner. It was Alan's first Happy Meal.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Just to Recap

On Sunday 3/7 was Bryce's baby blessing
On Monday 3/8 was our 7 year wedding anniversary... how time does fly
On Tuesday 3/9 I made Alan's birthday cake and did a demonstration for Relief Society night

On Wednesday 3/10 Alan had his 4th Birthday and we had a very fun Batman party for him (I will post more about that later)
On Thursday 3/11 I took all 4 kids to Alan and Bryce's well checks. Both boys are in the 90-95% for weight and 95+% for height. We were there for 2 hours and learned that Bryce has RSV. Thursday night was not fun.

On Friday 3/12 it seemed like all of the kids were destine to become sick

On Saturday 3/13 by mid-afternoon I had a very high fever, everything hurt, and I had to call my doctor after hours to see if he would call in a prescription for me because there was no way I would make it until Monday. He did.

I would just like to add a really BIG THANK YOU to Scott's Mom. Without her help I might not have survived.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Alan Boy!!!

I am so grateful to get to celebrate this birthday with you. While driving home after taking you to school today I was completely over come by the memory of driving home on an October afternoon, having just left you in the PICU at Primary Children's. It was the first time I had been away from you since your accident and the damage to your liver still had to be closely monitored. I can still vividly remember the pain and fear I felt not knowing if I was going to see you have another birthday or grow up to be a daddy and a doctor or whatever you decide to be.
You are such an amazing little man. During these past four years since you have entered my life you never cease to surprise me with all you have learned and how you always seem to remember everything. Thank You for being a wonderful son, brother, and friend.
I am looking forward to our next year together and many many more after that!
Happy Birthday!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Bryce's Blessing

Bryce's was the first in a long line of baby blessings in our ward on Sunday. First of five actually. There is no shortage of young children in our ward (about 230 in primary) and it looks like Bryce will have plenty of friends to grow up with.Bryce decided to wear his "I Rock" onesie made for him by his Aunt Andrea under his blessing outfit.

He was such a good sweet boy for his blessing (the only baby who didn't cry).

We spent the rest of the day hanging out with family.

We also took a few pictures of the kids. This one is pretty probably the best we got. And we got quite a few that look like this:

But what more could you expect? It is really hard to sit next to your sister, look at your mother, and be happy all at the same time when you are 2 or 3.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Alan's First Jazz Game

I cant believe Alan will be turning 4 this next week!! Well yes I can. I would believe it if you told me he was turning 5. As part of the celebration Scott took him to his first Jazz game on Saturday. As you can see he was very excited. When they got home a little after 9pm Alan had many fun stories to tell about the seats, chasing the jazz bear, eating ice cream, seeing a race car, and he has now decided that he wants to be a doctor, Daddy, basketball player when he grows up. He wanted to tell Logan all about it right away and was disappointed that he had to wait until morning, because Logan was asleep.

My Happy Little Boy

If you have met Bryce you know that when it comes to babies he is about as happy and relaxed as they get. He seems to get more and more smiley everyday.

I know this picture is out of focus, but seriously look at that bright happy little face
!Oh and those big blue eyes...

and sweet cherub cheeks.

He just seems to fit right into our family. :) I was cleaning in the kitchen when Scott called my attention to the family room. We had left Bryce there laying on his pillow, so his brothers decided to grab a blanket and cuddle up to watch a movie. These 3 are so much fun and Alan and Logan are awesome big brothers.