We had a lot of fun for Emma's birthday this year. The birthday fun started on Friday. I made these cute little ice cream cone cupcakes for her preschool class.

Friday was also the Easter party at preschool, so it was a fun fun party day at school.
Right after school Alan and I picked Emma up and took her to the Hannah Montana Movie. Emma and Alan had both been talking about seeing it for months and they were very very excited and other

than the 3 trips to the potty during the movie we enjoyed it.
This morning we went to Kangaroo Zoo. It was nice to have Scott there to help keep an eye on everyone. When we got home we put Logan down for a nap and then decorated Easter eggs. Emma really liked dipping th

e eggs in the dye and Alan just liked to tell Scott what to draw on the eggs. After eggs and once Logan was awake again we opened presents. Emma got a Sleeping Beauty dress, tiara, and shoes; along with sparkle chap stick, a snow glob, game, and Cinderella.
This evening we had dinner at Chuck E Cheese. Chuck E Cheese is a

new favorite at our house, apparently. Emma wore her new princess shoes and tiara to dinner.
Then we ended the night with cake and ice cream. Emma wanted a Sleeping Beauty cake this year. I had a lot of fun creating her cake for her. She was so excited when she came down stairs and saw it this morning.

On her way to preschool

Emma's Sleeping Beauty Cake. It really is cake in there and everything is edible, except the doll and the tiara.

Me and my big 5 year old at Kangaroo Zoo

Emma was doing a really cute princess song and dance when this picture was taken. I got the most amazing deal in that dress. It is $88 at the Disney store, but on Memorial day weekend it was on special for $44 and then I got 30% off of that and then got a additional 40% off due to reward points and I bought it online with free shipping. That made it basically $19.

Can you see a theme here?

Sleeping Beauty
YAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA! We can't believe you're FIVE already! You're growing up SO fast! You look beautiful in your princess dress and we can't wait to hear all about it. We'll call you later today! Love you Emma girl!
Happy Birthday little princess, XOXO from all of us!
Love the cake, I had no idea how incredibally talented you are. Is there nothing you cant do?
What a fun birthday! And Emma was the perfect, gracious, little birthday princess. She's so sweet about saying thank you for everything, without even being reminded. Happy birthday, Sweetheart; we all love you so much!
The picture of her sleeping is to precious!
There is a place called LTD Commoditites that sells cupcake "tins" (they are the rubber kind) where the cupcake portion is in the shape of a ice cream cone. I bought a few for Dillon's next bday. Just thought you might want to take a look too!
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