Monday, May 31, 2010


I can't believe Alan's last t-ball game will be on Wednesday. This season has gone by so quickly. It has been really fun and Alan has loved it. He even hit a ball off a pitch instead of the tee at his last game. I think the most fun thing about this season is that he was on a team with 11 other boys from our neighborhood. I am so glad we live somewhere where our kids will have plenty of friends to grow up with and play ball with.
Alan at bat

Alan is the one in the red helmet

It was a lot of fun going to his games as a family.

It was a lot of fun to watch. They were so cute out there. The best was when the other team would hit the ball and they would all dog pile on the ball.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Love the pictures and we're looking forward to coming to his game on Wednesday!
Love always,
Mom Hilton