Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Alan's Last T-ball Game

Well t-ball season is over and it was actually sunny for his last game. Seriously, it seemed like it always got windy, rainy, or cold for every game.
Alan got pretty good over the course of the season and even hit the ball off the pitch and not the tee both times at bat.
After the game that gave all the boys a medal. Alan has been wearing his a lot.


Beth said...

Way to go, Alan-boy! It was fun watching you play.
Love always,
Grandma Hilton

Amanda said...

So cute...I love TBall...they are never more adorable!

Christy said...

Ack! I FINALLY got my laptop back this morning, so I'll get those t-ball pics off of my camera and over to you soon! Sorry about that.