Anyway so I know everyone out there is wondering "What have the Hiltons been up to these past however many days?" And this brings me to the title of this post... a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
Friday we went into the design center and approved the elevation for the front of our house and chose the colors. I LOVE IT!
So for now they are getting the permits and all that stuff and if all goes well we will be breaking ground mid-April.
Also on Friday Emma and Alan had there well child checkups. Emma is 40 lbs (50%) and 42.5" tall (60%). She also got all her shots for kindergarten and we got the immunization record so we are good to go. Alan boy's height and weight is still off the charts at 39 lbs (95%+) and 40" tall (95%+).
Alan gets very excited and likes to run) a great time was had by all. My mom called while I was in the volcano with Alan and in the amount of time it took me to answer it I had to say "
Hey Mom I need to call you back, Alan slid out of the Volcano and now I can't find him." That goes on the list of thing I never would have expected to say before becoming a mother. Logan was such a cute big boy. He loved to climb all over the castle part and then slide down and say "Weeee." There is a lot more story about Logan, but that is for another day.
When we got home the kids when right to bed and then I passed out at like 8:30 and was totally out until about 8 the next morning. I never sleep like that, but I was so tired I couldn't help it.
Monday Emma started the reading program at her preschool. She brought home a book called Mat, which she was able to sound out the letters and read the first 3 pages to me. I was so surprised and amazed because a few months ago she couldn't even tell me the sounds most the letters made. She is doing so well in school. In other news she has also started regularly praying that our new house will be a puppy house, meaning a puppy can live there. It is really cute, and may be starting to wear me down a little. But I know that if we have a dog I will be the one taking care of it and I still feel like my 3 little monkey are enough I don't really want to throw a dog into the mix. We had a super fun FHE at the Mickelsons. Spence, Jannie, and fam are in town this week and wanted to see everyone so a lot of us got together and made pizza and hung out. It was kinda a spur of the moment kind thing. It was so fun and Emma and Alan loved playing with their cousins.
Emma and I have also been having a lot of fun trying new hair styles. Here are a few we did this past week that we just had to take a picture of. Although I think they looked a lot cuter in real life than they do in the pictures.

That is our little bit of this and that.
Emma and I have also been having a lot of fun trying new hair styles. Here are a few we did this past week that we just had to take a picture of. Although I think they looked a lot cuter in real life than they do in the pictures.
That is our little bit of this and that.