It is a little hard to believe that 6 years ago today Scott and I got married... at 7:30 am. Wow time sure flies when you are having fun! Our wedding day is such a sweet

, happy, perfect memory for me and now here we are 6 years later and I have been able to add so many more beautiful memories to it. Happy Anniversary! I love you Scott.
Since our anniversary was on a Sunday this year Scott and I started celebrating it yesterday. Eric was so nice to come over and babysit the kids while we went out. Thanks Eric! He usually comes over and watches them after we put them to bed. When we got home I could tell he was feeling a little overwhelmed but the kids were all still alive and the house was still standing and Logan threw

a fit when he didn't get to go home with Eric so he must have done a great job. Scott and I had dinner at LaVignia. The food was wonderful and the company was even better.
This morning Scott got up with the kids and made me breakfast in bed. It was very good, but I was so tired (and a little bit sick) that I fell back asleep with the plate on the bed. Then tonight we had a little f

amily birthday party after all a wedding really is the birth of a brand new family. The kids were a little confused when I told them we were having
strawberry short cake for dessert. Alan said "but Strawberry short cake has blood in her, are we going to eat blood?" and when Emma got her piece she said "This doesn't look like Strawberry Short Cake." I kept trying to explain that she was named after this dessert.
Anyway it was a very nice day and I am so glad that we have an eternity of anniversaries to look forward to.

This picture was taken at Bridal Veil Falls. Scott and I had only know each other 2 days. It was such a fun day. We were married 179 days later!

Ohh we look so cute and young and in love!

Happy Anniversary! I so remember the 7:30am wedding!! :-)
Happy Anniversary, Guys! It sure has been a fun ride. Aren't our grandkids hilarious?! Thank you for the "birth" of your family because it has certainly blessed ours! We love you guys.
Love always,
Mom Hilton
I have that Bridal Veil falls picture scrapbooked. That was good times. And yes, we ALL remember the 730 AM wedding lol
Glad you had a good anniversary! I can't believe how fast 6 years can go! Man, Emma and Alan crack me up! Hope they enjoyed the shortcake anyway!
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