I can't believe that my little Alan is 3 years old. To me it seems like he has always been 2. Maybe that is because he was walking at nine months and speaking in full sentences by 14 months. (by the way in the black and white pic to the left he is 2 days old). Or maybe it's because since the day he was born he has seemed to think that he is the same age as Emma. Either way he is such a sweet and amazing little boy. So now he is 3. He seems to grow so much I barely believe how much he has changed this year. One new thing for Alan this year is that he loves going to his "school" (nursery). When he first started going to nursery, it took a little over 6 months before I finally just left him there. He would always be so afraid to be left somewhere with out me or Scott. But now he seems so much more outgoing and he loves going to his school. Even with this last move, on the first Sunday he just ran right in to nursery and didn't even look back. He is also getting so much better with his numbers and letters. For some reason learning has always just come very easily to him. He recognizes most letters, spells his name, and can actually read/recognize about 7 different words like Alan, cat, dog, ladybug, and Emma. He is really looking forward to starting preschool in the fall and amazes me daily with his ever expanding vocabulary. And to my great joy he is basically potty trained and pretty much did it all on his own. I am not even allowed to help. He is not in "little" boy underwear yet, but that is mostly because I am scared and not because he isn't ready. I am sure any day now I will bite the bullet and get out his new underwear. I just love my sweet Alan boy so much. He is just so good, and loving, and caring, and such a bright spot in my life. I am so blessed to have had him these past 3 years and I am blessed to know that I will have him forever. We love you Alan!!!
Loved all the pictures of Alan boy! Can't believe he's 3! Happy Birthday bud!
Happy birthday, Alan-boy; it was a fun party! I especially love the slide show. What a joy Alan is in our lives!
Love always,
Mom (Grandma) Hilton
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