Well she did it! After
two long years of hard

work Emma graduated from Preschool. It was touch and go whether or not she was going to pass all of her classes and get enough credits, but she did it and I am just so proud. Ok I am kidding. Like there was any doubt she would graduate, but I am very proud of her and how much she has learned during her preschool days.
Emma's preschool had the cutest graduation ceremony today. It kinda reminded me of when the primary

kids are in charge of sacrament meeting. Each student had a little line they "memorized," Emma said "April showers bring may flowers," and then there were cute little songs about the things they had learned throughout the year. When they were done with their presentation

they played the graduation song and called each one up to get their diploma.
Emma had just switched into this preschool in January and I am so glad she did. Miss Stacey was so amazing. Emma learned and grew so much over last few months and even started reading. It was like night and day from her last preschool.
Anyway, Congrats Emma...on to bigger and better things. We love you!!

I tried very hard to get a picture of all three kids looking at the camera. Emma was in a distracted mood and a little tierd, Logan was most interested in what Emma was doing and Alan decided to be a little ham. They may never all be looking at the camera, but it is kinda a funny little picture journey.