That night all 60 something of us met up at the big cabin for dinner. After dinner each family did a skit based on a family memory. The Hilton's turned out well. Emma and Alan dressed up like bears, and we reenacted the Leavitt's summer trip to Yellowstone in 1969, complete with a coke and mentos geyser for old faithful. One of the best skits was by the Mickelsons who wrote their own version of "We didn't start the fire" entitled "We didn't start the Family." The chorus went "We didn't start the family, it was Bonnie and Dee, the rest is history." After the skits we heard mission reports from Eric and Ryan and then had a testimony meeting. It was the perfect way to end the day.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Leavitt Reunion in Yellowstone - Part 3 Thursday and Friday
That night all 60 something of us met up at the big cabin for dinner. After dinner each family did a skit based on a family memory. The Hilton's turned out well. Emma and Alan dressed up like bears, and we reenacted the Leavitt's summer trip to Yellowstone in 1969, complete with a coke and mentos geyser for old faithful. One of the best skits was by the Mickelsons who wrote their own version of "We didn't start the fire" entitled "We didn't start the Family." The chorus went "We didn't start the family, it was Bonnie and Dee, the rest is history." After the skits we heard mission reports from Eric and Ryan and then had a testimony meeting. It was the perfect way to end the day.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Leavitt Reunion in Yellowstone - Part 2, Tuesday - Wednesday
Wednesday morning most of us got up early and went rafting down a nice little river running through Island Park. Logan stayed at the cabin with Grandma and his cousin Tanner, but Emma and Alan got to come with us. It was by no means a wild trip down the river, but it was a lot of fun. There were a few spots were all the adults had to get out and pull the raft, but Emma and Alan enjoyed being able to sit up on the edge with
After the rafting Scott and a phone meeting with work and he had to do so work, so the kids and I bummed a ride into West Yellowstone for some "shopping" with Andrea, Dean, Tanner, and Jake. All we bought was a little ice cream at Dairy Queen, but it was still a lot of fun. Alan Liked all the animals and Emma really wanted t
That night the whole big clan got together at "the big cabin" for some fun, food and of course the annual everybody's birthday party. It was another very late night for the kids but they didn't seem to mind too much.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Leavitt Yellowstone Reunion - Part I, Saturday - Monday
So we started driving on Saturday afternoon (July 19th). We were planning on leaving earlier, but Scott had to go down to sign our new rental agreement in Pleasant Grove (we found a place to move on Friday night!), and then our van's battery was dead from leaving the door open while packing. The kids were great for the drive, and after a brief stop in Idaho Falls, we arrived at our "Kozy Cabin" around 5:00 Saturday night.
The cabin was right on a huge open field, full of cows, so of course right after dinner all of the boys (and Emma) hopped the barbed wire fence to go explore. The cows were somewhere else in the field that night, but the boys could see some blue heron. Alan-boy wouldn't stop playing in the cow's sandbox/litter box and got his hands covered in cow pie. He didn't mind at all, but you had to be careful when giving him a shoulder ride after that.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
BYU or Bust

Scott was invited by a professor to attend BYU's Law School for his last year to help out with some research, and today we found out that he's been officially accepted, so we're headed back down South. This means that in the next month Scott will be busy with all that he has to do to get transferred as well as his normal work. We also leave for Yellowstone on Saturday for a week long reunion, we have to find a new place to live, and we have to pack up and move. It's going to be a very crazy month, but we are sooooo excited!
A few funny things Alan has said lately
When we go to the playground at Kaysville Elementary Emma likes to swing around what she calls a "merry-go-round" (which it really just a poll sticking out of the ground). Well, Alan always runs up to the one next to her and starts singing about his "merry-boy-round." It is pretty cute and funny.
So the other day it was time for Alan's nap. He happily pranced up to his bed and snuggled up to his pillow. Then, in a very Wonder Pets kinda way, I sang "Its time for bed now." To which he answered me back singing "because I'm tired, and I'm thirsty, and I'm sleepy." This is serious.
The other funny thing Alan has started saying is "OK." You can tell him something like "Lets get you shoes on." And he will respond with something like "OK, so puppies won't be able to eat my toes?" He likes to pucker out his lips while saying it too.
So the other day it was time for Alan's nap. He happily pranced up to his bed and snuggled up to his pillow. Then, in a very Wonder Pets kinda way, I sang "Its time for bed now." To which he answered me back singing "because I'm tired, and I'm thirsty, and I'm sleepy." This is serious.
The other funny thing Alan has started saying is "OK." You can tell him something like "Lets get you shoes on." And he will respond with something like "OK, so puppies won't be able to eat my toes?" He likes to pucker out his lips while saying it too.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Wedding Tag
Andrea, thanks for tagging me. It is so fun to get to look back on such a fun day.
1. What is your anniversary
March 8, 2003
2. Where did you get married?
Salt Lake Temple
3. Who proposed and how?
Well Scott likes to make it sound like I was perusing him and he would say that I proposed to him first. We were in his apartment one day, a few days before we officially got engaged, talking about marriage and he said something about me not even wanting to marry him. So I ran next door, got my class ring, came back, got on one knee and proposed. But then a few days later after dinner, Scott and I went on a walk by the Provo river and Scott suggested we have a little desert and handed me a package of Snowballs. He had put the ring box in one of the snowballs. when I took it out he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.
4. How long were you engaged?
4 months
5. What was your favorite part of your wedding day?
It is hard to really pick a favorite part of the day. But I would have to say I love being in the temple the most. Since we got married at 7:30 am when Scott and I arrived at the temple it was so still and quite. I was the only bride in the bridal room. Then before our sealing we got to sit together in the Celestial room with no other couples around. Everything in the temple was so beautiful and wonderful.
6. What would you change if you could?
Ummm, I can't remember anything that I would want to change. I guess it would have been good if Scott was there when the reception started, but Cory was there to stand in for him and the whole thing is just another fun memory of the day. (Scott was in getting the cookies that Grandma left in Bountiful if I remember correctly)
7. What were your colors?
Wisteria purple and green
8. Do you remember anything special from your ceremony? Any good advice? A comical moment?

So I tag Kathleen and anyone else who thinks this would be fun.
1. What is your anniversary
March 8, 2003

2. Where did you get married?
Salt Lake Temple

3. Who proposed and how?
Well Scott likes to make it sound like I was perusing him and he would say that I proposed to him first. We were in his apartment one day, a few days before we officially got engaged, talking about marriage and he said something about me not even wanting to marry him. So I ran next door, got my class ring, came back, got on one knee and proposed. But then a few days later after dinner, Scott and I went on a walk by the Provo river and Scott suggested we have a little desert and handed me a package of Snowballs. He had put the ring box in one of the snowballs. when I took it out he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.
4. How long were you engaged?
4 months
5. What was your favorite part of your wedding day?
It is hard to really pick a favorite part of the day. But I would have to say I love being in the temple the most. Since we got married at 7:30 am when Scott and I arrived at the temple it was so still and quite. I was the only bride in the bridal room. Then before our sealing we got to sit together in the Celestial room with no other couples around. Everything in the temple was so beautiful and wonderful.

6. What would you change if you could?
Ummm, I can't remember anything that I would want to change. I guess it would have been good if Scott was there when the reception started, but Cory was there to stand in for him and the whole thing is just another fun memory of the day. (Scott was in getting the cookies that Grandma left in Bountiful if I remember correctly)
7. What were your colors?
Wisteria purple and green

8. Do you remember anything special from your ceremony? Any good advice? A comical moment?
I just remember how special it felt to be there with Scott.
9. Were you clean or messy with your wedding cake?
We were messy. Scott was very nice and just fed it to me, but them I snuck some frosting onto him so he then grabbed a hand full of frosting and smeared it all over my face. No one saw me so everyone thought Scott was the mean one, but really it was me. Sadly on the wedding video you can tell it was me who started it.10. Where did you go on your honeymoon?
We started the honeymoon at the Anniversary Inn in the beautiful Romeo and Juliet suite. Then the next day we headed off to Scott's Grandparent's Cabin for a few days.
11. How long have you been married?
We have been married for five years and four months. Wow time flies when your having fun.
So I tag Kathleen and anyone else who thinks this would be fun.
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