cThis past week was CRAZY, but somehow we made it through. Although it was a lot of work, it was also a lot of fun. This past week I made a Halloween outfit for Emma, made Emma's Halloween costume, took the kids on Emma's class trip to Pumpkinland, cleaned up throw-up 4 times, made a wedding cake, took pictures at Chantel and Reed's wedding, Emma had a Primary Program practice during the wedding, and had a birthday party to go to during the reception. Saturday night Scott and I went to HeeHaw Farms with Scott's friend Saul and his wife Ashley, Sunday morning was Devin's mission report, Emma had her Primary Program and right after sacrament meeting we headed over to the LeBarons to see Devin. Then when we got home and after making dinner and getting the kids to bed I made 4 dozen pumpkin cookies for Scott's school project. Luckily I really enjoy crafty and cooking projects. I still have to get the boy's costumes ready and make my Mommy's birthday present this week, but there is always more to do... Here is a review of our week in pictures.

This is the skirt that I made Emma. I was looking forward to getting some cute pictures of the kids, but my camera battery died before we got over to the pumpkins. SAD.

Baby Logi was cute and fun as always.

Alan had actually thrown-up 3 times that day. He was acting so normal at Pumpkinland, that I had forgotten how sick he was and I let him eat this cookie. I regretted that once we got home and his cookie came back up.

Chantel and Reed's wedding was so wonderful. They were so cute and sweet together. It was a lot of fun taking their pictures.

I mostly just took their group pictures, but we also took a few couple pictures just for fun. These are a few of my favorites.

This is the cake that I made for Chantel's reception.

These are some of my friends from Alaska who were there. It was so fun to see so many people. It was like a freshman year church dance reunion.

This is at the reception. Emma had just gotten back from her party. Don't you just love her Shortcake costume?

This is Scott and Logan just before we left the reception.
So I don't have pictures from it, but Scott and I had so much fun at HeeHaw Farms with Saul and Ashley. Scott has been friends with Saul for years, and we just figured out that Ashley is Scott's third cousin (her Mom's a Hilton). We were totally awesome at the corn mazes. We did them so fast. It was nice to let loose, have fun, and jump into a box filled with corn kernels.

These are the cute little cookies I made for Scott's school project.