Thursday, April 22, 2010

Writer's Block

I don't know what the deal is, but I have had the worst writer's block the last few months. Every time I go to do a post, everything I type is just soooo blah and I don't know what to type. I have been wanting to post about Easter and conference and all the cute/funny thing the kids have been doing and saying but I just don't have the words. Hopefully I can over come my blog blahs soon. Until then sorry for the blah posts.


Dean, Andrea, Tanner, Landon, & Braddock said...

Love the "only one kids looking at the camera" picture! Ha! I'm sure it's IMPOSSIBLE to get all of them looking at once! Ha! They're so cute in their matching little spring outfits!

Dean, Andrea, Tanner, Landon, & Braddock said...

oh and by the way don't worry about blah posts...I just love knowing what you're up to and seeing pictures of some of my favorite kids!! ;)

Cherie said...

Sometimes blah blah posts can be the best because they tell what's going on in your life :) it may not seem interesting now, but it may down the road! :) I love those pictures of your kids, by the way. They're precious :)

Andrea said...

I totally know what you mean about getting writer's block! I feel like I've had it lately... and I think it mostly has to do with not a lot of cool/exciting/fun things going on...OR my writing skills are simply lacking and my creativity is dwindling. :) Probably the latter. Love the new pic of the kiddos!