Friday, January 16, 2009

One Crazy Week

Last Friday when I told someone that I didn't really have anything going on next week I should have knocked on wood. Here I am one week later and I must say that I am tired. I will not bore you or myself with all of the details, but here are a few stories to illustrate how it went and then assume every day held about the same level of joy and excitement.
On Tuesday, while at the bank getting a cashiers check so that I could then go the the post office and mail everything for Scott's FBI background check so that he can take the BAR exam, the teller was nice enough to notice that my driver's licence had expired A YEAR AGO! So after the bank (in Macey's), picking up a few things at Macey's (grocery store), and waiting in the long line at the post office (because there was only one person working there) with my three sweet kids, making lunch, putting Logan down for a nap, and locating a Driver's Licence DMV office, I took all three kids to the DMV. OH it was FUN. By the time my number was called, Logan was throwing an all-out tantrum, Alan was almost in tears and whining because he left his fruit snacks in the van, and Emma was being a very "helpful" little mommy. I am guessing that the guy at the counter took pity on me, because he only made me take the eye exam, and I had been told earlier that I would have to retake the written exam if my licence had been expired for more than 6 months. But this very helpful man didn't say a thing about it. He just said "That will be $25 to renew your licence" and then said to Logan "Don't worry we're almost done." I don't think I have ever been so grateful for my kids to be acting up and for someone who was truly helpful. I was NOT looking forward to retaking the written exam with three kids. Canyou imagine if I had failed? I was surprised however, how very not stressed I felt when all that was going on around me. So after the DMV I got to take all the kids to a grocery store for the second time that day because we were completely out of food and I didn't have time earlier to get everything we needed. I got home just in time to make dinner, get the kids to bed, and head off to my Hip-Hop class at the rec center. Then I came home and did the dishes and picked up before going to bed just after midnight.
Crazy Right? So everyday wasn't quite this busy, but somehow each day managed to quickly fill up with more than I could do. And last night Logan was sweet enough to wake up at 3am and insist that I get up with him. In the process of convincing me that he really needed me to get up and get him out of his crib he woke up Alan and the three of us had a nice time in the living room until about 5:30 when they decided they were ready to go back to bed. This is not a normal thing for them. I can't even remember the last time I was up in the middle of the night with either of them.
C'est la vie
This week I have also reflected a lot on how much I love being a Mom (usually during yoga). I love my children so much. They bring so much into my life. Oh Man that baby Logan. He has my heart in his sweet little hand. He is so cuddly and loving. Although he is the most independant and prone to fits of my children, he really is such a sweet, happy, loving, little guy. He makes that cutest/silliest faces that just light up his whole face and makes anyone within his gaze just have to smile.
Alan-boy is just so good and sweet and funny. I never know what is going to come out of his mouth next. The other day I was telling him that we needed to be very quiet and go up to bed and he just looked at me and said "that sounds like a terrible idea to me." I just couldn't help but smile. And every night as he goes to bed he has me lay down next to him, then he pats or rubbs me on the shoulder and says "I love you mom." I hope he never grows up. And yet I know he will. I love that kid.
Emma has grown up and yet is still my little baby. I have really enjoyed laying down with her before she goes to bed to read books and then give her a hug and a kiss. She started a new preschool in January and I am so proud of her. I am sure it has been hard on her sometimes that we have moved so much and I was worried yet another change in preschool would be hard on her. But she seems to doing really well and I know we made the right chose. She is so kind and sweet. I just love my pretty little thing.

1 comment:

Becky Lewis said...

okay, you deserve the "Mother of the week" award!